Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Forum Dunny Series Teaser

Robolucha Custom Show

This is my contribution to the Robolucha Custom Show being presented by Patch Together. I Always thought these guys looked like those old diving suits so I decided to run with that. The show will be touring Europe for a few months at the end of which the the pieces will be sold, with the proceeds going to a charitable cause.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Super Happy Mail Day!

When living in a relatively small town in Maine it is necessary to fulfill my Toy world needs via the internet and stores with an online presence. It is equally important to avoid paying exorbitant shipping charges. At most of the larger online art toy stores this means spending $100 in order to receive free shipping.

While I could easily spend that much and more every week and still not be sated, the reality of my cash flow makes being frugal considerably more prudent. I waited very patiently for a very long time until there was $100 worth of stuff that I had to have. I will do a quick rundown...

Clutter Magazine - What is there to say? Necessary.

Tokidoki zipper pulls. I love zipper pulls and there isn't too much variety out there so these are welcome. They are a little bit more expensive than most zipper pulls but they are bigger too. Let's say I was happy with half of them ;)

Baby Monk by Veggiesomething- Awesome... I was waiting for this to hit the shops.

Munny and Stephan Le Podd - Needed these for customs. They are great of course.

MPH Artist Series Poketo Wallet : Julie West - This one was for my wife and she loved the art but was not too crazy about the wallet. If it had 6 card slots and instead of 3 slots and a coin pocket she would have been much happier.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Samurai Kanser

This is a custom Kanser I just finished up for a collector on the Kidrobot forums. I had free rein on this one and was admittedly a little self indulgent. The collector recently commissioned a number of custom Kansers and I was lucky enough to be one of the artists involved. It was a little intimidating doing this one after seeing several of the other commissions completed by some very talented artists, but I am pretty happy with the results. It should arrive at its destination in a few days and I'll found out what its owner thinks once he has it in hand.

More pictures are available on my Flickr account.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Mail Day! - Custom Glyos

Got this awesome guy the other day. He is a Glyos System Buildman by Onell Design, and custom painted by Dead Presidents' Matt Walker. The pictures really do not do the paint justice; it is beautiful in person. And yes I flipped on of the images to make my composite a little easier to do ;)

Toy Design Sketches

These are a few toy design sketches I finished up last week.